Domestic prices in China improve slowly but steadily

Tranquility prevails in the Chinese waters for the past 1 week. The mysterious solitude has bemused experts since it unusually long. Steel market in China has all through been a happening place. Turnaround in the prices has been avidly anticipated for the past fortnight. The market has been ambivalent with a proclivity for improvement.

After a near washout in Q2 as the demand from all key sectors slackened as the game of up man ship accentuated between the PBOC and market. Most of the planned expenditure on infrastructure and housing was kept in abeyance as the market grappled with runaway inflation and its surgical malady. Astonishingly mills have been on rampaging production touching almost 2 million tonne per day in June exuding a mysterious confidence. Remarkably the stock at all major locations for flat and long products has been maintained within manageable limits all through possibly an outcome of urbanization chugging along.

Nonetheless the major projects viz., 10 million budget housing and infrastructure development are yet take off in full swing. At the same time input cost has been obdurate decimating bottom lines of the mills compelling them to yearn for increasing mark ups. Silhouetted in the background of despondency the moment seems ripe for backlash whipping up buying in H2 to accomplish unfulfilled plan targets.

The market footprints have been guarded gradually creeping as the monsoon abates. Concurrently the global market is portending to unfold buying from the famished quarters of MENA and EU countries after the holidays.


Location CNY
Shanghai 10
Hangzhou 20
Nanjing 40
Jinan 10
Hefei 20
Fuzhou 10
Nanchang 30
Guangzhou 10
Changsha 50
Wuhan 20
Zhengzhou 20
Beijing -20
Tianjin 0
Shijiazhuang -20
Taiyuan -20
Shenyang 10
Harbin 20
Chongqing 10
Chengdu 40
Guiyang -10
Kunming 30
Xian 50
Lanzhou 0
Urumchi -50

Change is on July 27th as compared to 20th July 2011
In CNY per tonne


Location CNY
Shanghai -30
Hangzhou 20
Nanjing 20
Jinan 20
Hefei 0
Fuzhou 0
Nanchang 0
Guangzhou 20
Changsha -20
Wuhan 0
Zhengzhou 0
Beijing -10
Tianjin -10
Shijiazhuang 0
Taiyuan 10
Shenyang 0
Harbin 0
Chongqing 30
Chengdu 40
Kunming 0
Xian 20
Lanzhou -10
Urumchi 70

Change is on July 27th as compared to 20th July 2011
In CNY per tonne is a comprehensive service for tracking real time domestic steel prices and trends in China on daily basis.

The scope of service includes
1. Domestic pricing information in China
2. Export levels from Turkey, Rotterdam, China, India and Black Sea

The service is specifically designed to assist steel makers, traders, users and others connected with the industry to keep track of real time prices prevailing in the market and thus comprehensively evaluate steel pricing trends in the trend setting region

Products covered
1. Input materials and semis
2. Long Products
3. Flat Products
5. FOB levels for export FOB Black Sea, China, Turkey and India

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Currency Single 2-5 6-12 13-25 26-40 40-60
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