China stainless steel production accounted for half of the global total in 2013, industry report
According to the Steel Market Intelligence GmbH (SMI) on 2013, global stainless steel output was 40000000 tons, and China production reached 20500000 tons. The report said Chinese output rose 17% last year.
Earlier this month, the international stainless steel Forum (International Stainless Steel Forum) said, China stainless steel production last year to 19000000 tons, accounting for about half of the global total output of 38100000 tons.
Global stainless steel output China ratio increases at the same time, many other stainless steel manufacturers are struggling to cope with the excess capacity and weak prices.
CRU stainless steel price index rebounded slightly to the highest since July, but in August last year, and a four year low of only 3 points.
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