316L stainless steel polished welded pipe
On 25th of July,2017,our company Jawaysteel Corporation had signed a Contract with buyer from Singapore,to supply 316L stainless steel polished welded pipe under 48 Tons quantity.Sizes for welded pipe is 1) 38.1mm OD X 1.2mm WT X6000mm Length and 2) 100mm OD X 2.0mm WT X 6000mm Length,planning to load and ship by 2x40HQ Containers,this is the 5th time the buyer repeated order with JAWAYSTEEL Company.

Reference on stainless steel welded pipe,the basic step to produce is like sheets cutting and preparation+sheets bending and rolling + welding by auto-welding machine+streighting+cutting+packing etc,sometimes if customer ask for decoration pipes,we need to make polishing,if the customer needs industrial pipe,we can do annealing and pickling to suit for application.
This customer chosen 316L welded and polished pipe,with aim of use these tube in cooling heater with salted ware inside and steam outside,so the pipe should be very strong,resist,anti-presssure,sealing and acid -alkali resistance etc. Although it is stainless steel welded pipe,we make a very good welding to make sure the tubes are totally sealing,anti-pressure and resistant to outside impact.
Welcome to visit us and see the facilities for making stainless steel welded pipe.

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